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The Debriti Show!
A Textual Experience
JonMarc Edwards
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What is Debriti?
Debriti is 100% all natural, recyclable and biodegradable text that can and will empower you. Debriti represents a new relationship and understanding with language.
Debriti is the conceptual form made physical.
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Where is the Debriti Show Dispensary?
![Original Debriti Show Dispensary](https://debritishow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/MARKET-in-Silver-Lake-e1471993528100.jpg)
The Debriti Show! is based at MARKET Studio, 612 Silver Lake CA, 90026.
![Debriti Show - LA Map](https://debritishow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/unnamed-1.jpg)
The Debriti Show! is a mobile textual dispensary that has been traveling in the Southern California region throughout 2016 with plans to exhibit beyond the area in 2017.
![Debriti Show - Choose Your Words](https://debritishow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Choose-Your-Words-e1471992182821.jpg)
The Debriti Show! includes demonstrations, readings and performances. You may also purchase the Original Debriti products and merchandise. To see past exhibits and future presentations go to Exhibits. To request a presentation in your community go to Contact.
![Debriti Show The Waiting Area](https://debritishow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/The-Waiting-Area-e1471993647505.jpg)
Why do we need Debriti?
Debriti represents a new relationship with language. Debriti goes beyond the inherent “meaning” contained in letters and words and taps into text’s physical concrete attributes and releases a transformational, energetic force that can and will transform your daily life.
Debriti is a physical experience drawn from the intuitive power of language!
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More About The Debriti Show!
![Debriti Show Variety of Debriti](https://debritishow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Variety-of-Debriti.jpg)
Have you ever wanted to throw “C-A-U-T-I-O-N” to the wind? Now you can with 100% all natural, recycled and biodegradable Debriti. Our “Wordtenders” will help prescribe the perfect words or phrase for your individual needs. Do you need more Z-I-P or D-A-S-H in your step? Behold, that certain word might just turn your luck around… or create a unique “get well” message that may really be effective! With Debriti you can now literally drop some S-C-I-E-N-C-E or B-R-E-A-K T-H-E I-C-E with a new lover. (it really happened!)
![Debriti Show Noir Velvet Debriti](https://debritishow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Noir-Velvet-Debriti.jpg)
Debriti comes in a variety of blends and packages, including our one-word packets, the “AIR” blend that flutters at a breath. Rare Pink Keepsake, or our Standard bags of Green, Red, Black or White 100% all natural Debriti. Ask our inspired Wordtenders how you can get involved with the Debriti revolution, the revolutionary new way to let words speak as loud as actions!
![Debriti Show Text Muffins](https://debritishow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Text-Muffins.jpg)
Debriti is 100% natural and contains both letterforms & counter-space (the formations around and inside the letterforms). Debriti uses the very best pressed natural, recycled chipboard in the USA (or the World for that matter). It has been hand selected and cut here in Los Angeles onthe finest precision lasers.
![Debriti Show Official Debriti Scale](https://debritishow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Official-Debriti-Scale-1-1.jpg)
Debriti is the ultimate Readymade** that allows and encourages you to perform creative action in the midst of current hyberbolic existence. These actions have a calming effect and will give you a sense of control, accomplishment, meaning, good will and/or release.
Debriti can be used as concrete action to combat the flurry of social media blather, fake news and most importantly to protest the state / corporate activities.
![Debriti Show Debriti Street Corner](https://debritishow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/unnamed.jpg)
Debriti has been left on street corners and at doorsteps. Drop Debriti trails throughout retail stores or pile it on shelves at your neighbors home. Cast your Debriti to the wind, throw it off cliffs or bury it in your yard and your troubles too.
![Debriti Show - Debriti Definition](https://debritishow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/unnamed-2.jpg)
Debriti should be used with care. This relationship between dispersal of Debriti and sharing the action of spreading text or language is essential to understanding the underlying nature of Debriti.
Debriti should be seen as a metaphor of the proliferation and superfluous abuse of words, speeches, writings, etc., by new technologies and the era of social media exploitation. Used properly Debriti is more powerful than any drug.
What will you do with your DEBRITI?
** He (Marcel Duchamp) selected mass-produced, commercially available, often utilitarian objects, designating them as art and giving them titles. “Readymades,” as he called them, disrupted centuries of thinking about the artist’s role as a skilled creator of original handmade objects. Instead, Duchamp argued, “An ordinary object [could be] elevated to the dignity of a work of art by the mere choice of an artist.” From MOMALearning[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]